Create a Rotation
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Open the Tab "Rotation".
Click on "New Profile" to create a new Combat Rotation.
Give your rotation a name.
Grinder categorizes all saved profile names in the dropdown menu by class (Mage, Hunter, Warlock, etc.).
Click on Add Spells.
Another window will open where you can select Spells, Items and Macros. Use the search function to find your desired selection faster.
Select a Spell, Item or Macro of your choice and click on it to add it to your Combat Rotation.
In a brief overview, Grinder wants to know what this is all about.
To heal your character during the fight.
In all situations that occur during the fight.
To regenerate your character.
Out of Combat
Renewable Spells like Buffs, Auras, or craftable items.
Do not recast if active
If your selection causes damage over time on the target, your selection will not be re-executed as long as it is active.
In this example, we select a Spell again. This time, a Buff.
Check the box for Out of Combat and another box for Do not recast if active. This way the spell will only be applied outside of combat if it is not active
You have a total of 12 places to complete your rotation. The 2nd action bar is used for this purpose. Grinder will automatically select this action bar for you. Each spell you add will be placed in it in the order you specify.
Grinder processes your rotation according to availability and conditions. There are predefined basic conditions as well as your own.
Clicking on the spell, macro or item in your list will open the configuration window.
The types Heal and Combat are used exclusively in combat situations. Food/Drink and Out of Combat are only used outside of combat.
Do not recast if active refers to Combat Spells that are active on the enemy, are kept active and should not be recast as long as the spell is active.
First select to whom the condition should apply.
You can select class-specific or general types via the Power Type.
Player -> Mana -> Smaller or Equal -> 50 would specify that the spell should only be executed if: Player (your character) has equal or less than 50% mana.
Can and should be used for conjuring items. Enter in the text field the number of items from when this spell should be executed.
Sets the distance to the target. Does not refer to Pull or Max. Distance (see Options). Pull and Max. Distance are always given priority.
When using a macro that contains for example /cast SpellName its Spell ID can be fixed by this option. Grinder now understands what your macro does and can process it much better.
Otherwise, it can be used for spells or items whose effect has a different Spell ID than the ID of the spell/item itself.
The icon to the left of your spell/item/macro will now give you some info about conditions. Combat Rotations offer a high degree of individuality. Be creative